Thursday, July 24, 2008


So tell me, what the hell is so fashionable about shopping all day walking forever and then going to a warehouse to pick up your selections by yourself while you lug around whatever little goods you managed to find while pushing a flat trolley that goes wherever it wants?

IKEA prices are not that impressive to drive for 45 minutes and then have to self-serve everything and not have any salespeople to answer questions, even. Their best products are the same price as furniture you can find anywhere else without all the drama.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Marie Claire

Hmm...I never gave MARIE CLAIRE much thought before. Not sure if the mag changed or if the changing occurred in me but it's now part of my top mags. I was just extraordinarily satisfied with the July issue which of course I was lured into by Mrs. SJP!

If you haven't read it yet go pick it up and you might want to jump straight into the 8pg Sex and the City feature. It's the best article I've ever read on the girls and it has comments from the creators, producers, actors that did temporary stints in the show, etc.

My New Obsession

And it's going to be your new obsession too.

You can search for people in locations all over the world, search by style, designer/brand/label. It's just so much fun.

Upload a stylish pic of yourself and let people know what your signature pieces are and where you scored them.

i like my style

Save A Whale

Use organic lip treatments.


Origins Organics Soothing Lip Balm

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thing of the Week

Creative Recreation kicks will keep your feet and your eyes really, really happy.