Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show TONIGHT!

This is always the exact night I get excited for the holidays... the annual Victoria's Secret fashion show! I can't wait to see what amazing designs will debut tonight (and sadly never be sold in stores but that's another story!) and what sort of production they managed to come up with this time around. Of course, it would be just perfect if Kanye West, Jay Z, and Nicki Minaj were not performing but alas, we do not live in a perfect world!

Photo Credit: nadineandthecity.com

Online Shopping at ZARA

Even though I much prefer to go there in person, I finally just noticed that ZARA has jumped onboard the e-shop capability train. Can someone tell me when this began? For years I logged on, checking to see if I could finally shop online and now I can! Whoohoo!

Just recently H&M added online shopping too. Is there anyone else lagging?

Photo Credit: jeanchristophebonis.com

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How fun! Opening Ceremony Spring 2012

This is really what fashion is all about to me - fun, refreshment, excitement, art - Opening Ceremony really did it for their Spring 2012 collection. I never really followed the brand much and now I am starting to become a hopeless devotee. Sorry, I have to run - time to keep perusing their site!