Thursday, November 27, 2008

Her Majesty Hath Arriveth

Okay. I just finally got home after the Madge show and I only love her more. The only problem is that she started about 2 1/2 hrs. late (but thanks Oakenfold for entertaining us with those classics) and many of us - including my bare and stiff toes - were grossly under dressed for what ended up being a drafty 62 degree Miami concert. Who knew? But naturally after all the waiting (and inevitable extra drinking) when Madonna took the stage she took all of our worries away too.
Could've done without: the Mexican funeral song that threatened to make me number than my exposed gladiator-ed toes.

Notable moments: last song - "Give It To Me", "Just Like A Prayer", a rave-like "Ray of Light", and cameos by Timbaland and Pharell.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Sorry all, have been caught up in school work and other projects - more on those in the near future ; ). I'll be back regularly before you know it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It IS Fashion-Related, I Swear!

Yay! Barack Obama is our new President - Commander-in-Chief. And yes this is fashion-related since he has had a lot of support from Seventh Avenue designers since he believes that we should begin to re-establish our own manufacturing industry here. This will help to strengthen our economy, supply more jobs to Americans, and keep more American money in America!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Help Me Out Here

Who knows what designer made that beautiful long and colorful (jersey?) dress that SJP wore in Sex and the City (the movie)? She wore it in a scene where she was in the apartment with Big. In the director's commentary he says the dress went to Mexico on a photo shoot and never came back so they had to send an assistant to the jungle to get it and bring it back to finish filming the scene.

Obsessed with how beautiful it is, really.